Q:  “I am very interested in applying to St. Joseph’s College of Nursing. Where do I start?”

A:  The admission requirements are listed on our website under “Admissions & Financial Aid” or in the College catalog. If you meet the admission requirements, complete an online application and send necessary application materials to the Office of Admissions.

Q:  “I don’t think I meet all the admission requirements because I haven’t taken some of the pre-requisite courses (algebra, biology, chemistry) – where can I take these courses?”

A:  Local BOCES and community colleges offer these courses. You may also wish to investigate taking these courses through a distance education program, such as Portage Prep. Check HERE for Admission Requirements.

Q:  “I applied a few weeks ago and still haven’t heard if I am accepted. How long does the process take?”

A:  The College has established “application dates” for submission of applications to help our applicants determine when to apply (see Admission Requirements). Once an application is complete (all required materials received), the application is forwarded to the Admission Committee and reviewed according to dates listed on our home page. Applicants will receive decisions by e-mail.

Q:  “I applied, but received a letter of denial. Now what?”

A:  St. Joseph’s College of Nursing is a very competitive program. Unfortunately, not everyone will be accepted. You may contact the Admissions Office to discuss your individual circumstances.

Q:  “I took a College science course 11 years ago – can I transfer those credits?”

A:  College Courses similar in content and credit hours, passed with a grade of “C” (2.0) or better, may be transferred. However, College science courses taken more than seven (7) years prior to entry into St. Joseph’s College will need to be repeated (e.g., Anatomy & Physiology or Microbiology).

Q:  “I would like to enter the nursing program in January. Is that possible?”

A:  Yes, as of 2023 we enroll the weekday option in January and August.

Q:  “I am a high school student – what courses should I be taking to increase my chances of being accepted into your program?”

A:  Our catalog lists the MINIMUM requirements for admission. Because the program is very competitive, we recommend 4-5 years of science, 4 years of math, and a strong “B” core grade point average (science, math, English, social studies, foreign language).

Q:  “I would like to attend the evening/weekend option of your program. Because only the nursing courses are offered in this format, do I have to complete all of the Liberal Arts and Science courses before I apply?”

A:  We strongly encourage our evening/weekend applicants to complete as many of the Liberal Arts and Science courses from our curriculum (refer to our curriculum) prior to entering the evening/weekend program. It is not, however, an admission requirement, therefore, one could enter the evening/weekend program and complete the additional courses during the week. The ideal situation is to complete most, if not all, of the courses prior to beginning the nursing curriculum.

Q:  “I would really like more information about this program. What is the best way to find out more?”

A:  We host Information Sessions and Open Houses – dates and times are located on our website or schedule an appointment with the Admissions Office (link). Review our website, call our Office of Admissions (315) 448-5040 or email admissions@sjhcon.edu with questions.